

      2024 :

      • Barbedor, J., Scheider, J., Yzerbyt, V., & Abele-Brehm, A. (2024). A Novel Approach to the Evaluation of Groups: Type of Group and Facet of Evaluation Matter. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1). 
      • Hughes, S., Unkelbach, C., Rougier, M., & De Houwer, J. (2024). The Shared Feature Principle in Person Perception: Shared Features Lead to Assumptions About Other Features. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1). 
      • Alves, H., Yzerbyt, V., & Unkelbach, C. (2024). Attitude Formation in More- and Less-Complex Social Environments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 
      • Van Oost, P., Schmitz, M., Klein, O., Brisbois, M., Luminet, O., Morbée, S., ... & Yzerbyt, V. (2024). When views about alternative medicine, nature and god come in the way of people's vaccination intentions. European Journal of Social Psychology. 
      • Schmitz, M., Vanbeneden, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2024). The many faces of compensation: The similarities and differences between social and facial models of perception. PloS one, 19(2), e0297887.

      2023 :

      • Vansteenkiste, M., Waterschoot, J., Morbée, S., Van Oost, P., Schmitz, M., Klein, O., Yzerbyt, V. & Van den Bergh, O. (2024). Psychological science and its societal mission during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic: The Motivation Barometer as an evidence‐informed policy instrument in Belgium. Social Issues and Policy Review, 18(1), 59-88. 
      • Rougier, M., & De Houwer, J. (2023). Unconstraining Evaluative Conditioning Research by Using the Reverse Correlation Task. Social Psychological and Personality Science 
      • Van Oost, P., Leveaux, S., Klein, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2023). Gender Inequality Discourse as a Tool to Express Attitudes Towards Islam. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(2), 690-707. 
      • Rougier, M., & De Houwer, J. (2023). Updating stereotypical attributions in light of new information: The attractiveness halo effect changes when attractiveness changes. European Journal of Social Psychology 
      • Coladonato, R., Yzerbyt, V., & Carnaghi, A. (2023). Category intersections as conceptual combinations: Combining male categories of age and sexual orientation. British Journal of Social Psychology.  
      • Rougier, M., Muller, D., Smeding, A., Wiers, R. W., & Neyroud, L. (2023). The Association Between Smokers' Approach Bias and Heaviness of Use: A Focus on Light Smokers. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1), 88926.  

      2022 :

      • Aubé, B., Rohmer, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2022). How threatening are people with mental disability? it depends on the type of threat and the disability. Current Psychology, 1-16. 
      • Bakhti, R., Woltin, K. A., Sassenberg, K., & Rae, J. (2022). Testing the impact of interpersonal regulatory fit on empathy, helping intentions, and prosocial behaviour. PloS One, 17(7), e0270462. 
      • Delroisse, S., Rimé, B., & Stinglhamber, F. (2022). Quality of social sharing of emotions alleviates job burnout: The role of meaning of work. Journal of Health Psychology,  
      • Duveau, C., Demoulin, S., Dauvrin, M., Lepièce, B., & Lorant, V (2022). Implicit and explicit ethnic biases in multicultural primary care: the case of trainee general practitioners. BMC Primary Care. 23, 1-10. 
      • Duveau, C., Wets, C., Delaruelle, K., Demoulin, S., Dauvrin, M., Lepièce, B., ... & Lorant, V. (2022). OP44 Unintentional discrimination against patients with a migration Background by general practitioners in mental health management: an experimental study. Journal Epidemiol Community Health. 76:A22. 
      • Friehs, M. T., Kotzur, P., Kraus, C.,... Barbedor, J., ... & Yzerbyt, V. (2022). Evidence from 35 countries that the social perception of key protagonists is associated with containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.   
      • Metzler, H., Rimé, B., Pellert, M., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Di Natale, A., & Garcia, D. (2022). Collective emotions during the COVID-19 outbreak. Emotion. Advance online publication.  
      • Morbée, S., Vansteenkiste, M., Waterschoot, J., Klein, O., Luminet, O., Schmitz, M., ... Van Oost, P., & Yzerbyt, V. (2022). The Role of Communication Style and External Motivators in Predicting Vaccination Experiences and Intentions: An Experimental Vignette Study. Health communication, 1-10. 
      • Morbée, S., Waterschoot, J., Yzerbyt, V., Klein, O., Luminet, O., Schmitz, M., ...Van Oost, P., ... & Vansteenkiste, M. (2022). Personal and contextual determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention: a vignette study. Expert review of vaccines, 1475-1485. 
      • Nicolas, G., Fiske, S. T., Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Unkelbach, C., Terache, J., Carrier, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2022). Relational versus structural goals prioritize different social information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.122(4), 659-682   
      • Nguyen, N., Lagios, C., Ohana, M., Demoulin, S., Maurage, P., & Stinglhamber, F. (2022). For Who and Why Organizational Dehumanization is Linked to Deviant and In-Role Behaviors. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 16974). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.  
      • Pizarro JJ, Zumeta LN, Bouchat P, Włodarczyk A, Rimé B, Basabe N, Amutio A and Páez D (2022) Emotional processes, collective behavior, and social movements: A meta-analytic review of collective eervescence outcomes during collective gatherings and demonstrations. Front. Psychol. 13:974683. 
      • Roblain, A., Gale, J., Abboud, S., Arnal, C., Bornand, T., Hanioti, M., ... Van Oost, P. & Toma, C. (2022). Social control and solidarity during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The direct and indirect effects of causal attribution of insufficient compliance through perceived anomie. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 32. 963-973  
      • Schmitz, M., Luminet, O., Klein, O., Morbée, S., Van den Bergh, O., Van Oost, P., ...Yzerbyt, V., Vansteenkiste, M. (2022). Predicting Vaccine Uptake during COVID-19 Crisis: A Motivational Approach. Vaccine. 40(2), 288-297. 
      • Schmitz, M., & Yzerbyt, V. (2022). Direct and indirect dimensional compensation: Is there a difference between observers and group members?. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 25(2), 335-353 
      • Stinglhamber, F., Nguyen, N., Josse, M., & Demoulin, S. (2022). The Development of Prison Officers' Job Satisfaction and its Impact on Depersonalization of Incarcerated Persons: The Role of Organizational Dehumanization. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49 (11). 
      • Van Oost, P., Yzerbyt, V., Schmitz, M., Vansteenkiste, M., Luminet, O., Morbée, S., ... & Klein, O. (2022). The relation between conspiracism, government trust, and COVID-19 vaccination intentions: The key role of motivation. Social Science & Medicine, 301, 114926.   
      • Vanbeneden, A., Woltin, K.-A., Yzerbyt, V. (2022) Influence of membership in outgroups varying in competence and warmth on observers' Level-2 visual perspective taking. British Journal of Psychology.  

      • Waterschoot, J., Yzerbyt, V., Soenens, B., Van den Bergh, O., Morbée, S., Schmitz, M., Van Oost, P., Luminet, O., Klein, O., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2022). How do vaccination intentions change over time? The role of motivational growth. Health Psychology.  
      • Waterschoot, J., Vansteenkiste, M., Yzerbyt, V., Morbée, S., Klein, O., Luminet, O.,...Van Oost, P., ... & Van den Bergh, O. (2022). Risk Perception as a Motivational Resource during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Vaccination Status and Emerging Variants.  
      • Woltin, K. A., Guinote, A., & Teixeira, C. (2022). For powerholders 'More is More': Power shapes judgments of logically equivalent comparative statements. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1).1-16. 
      • Woltin, K. A., Sneddon, J., & Bardi, A. (2022). Effects of nature values and regulatory fit of message framing on message evaluation and actual pro-environmental donations. Environment and Behavior. 54(3), 597-628. 
      • Yzerbyt, V., Barbedor, J., Carrier, A., & Rohmer, O. (2022). The Facets of Social Hierarchy: How Judges' Legitimacy Beliefs and Relative Status Shape Their Evaluation of Assertiveness and Ability. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1). 

      2021 :

      • Abele, A. E., Ellemers, N., Fiske, S. T., Koch, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups. Psychological Review. 128(2), 290-314. 

      • Abele, A. E., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). Body posture and interpersonal perception in a dyadic interaction: A Big Two Analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology. 51(1), 23-39  
      • Bosson, J. K., Vandello, J. A., Jurek, P., ... Yzerbyt, V., et al. (2021). Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52(3), 231-258. http:/   
      • Chevallereau, T., Maurage, P., Stinglhamber, F., & Demoulin, S. (2021). Sex‐based and beauty‐based objectification: Metadehumanization and emotional consequences among victims. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 1218-1240. 
      • Chevallereau, T., Stinglhamber, F., Maurage, P., & Demoulin, S. (2021). My Physical Appearance at the Center of Others' Concerns: What are the Consequences for Women's Metadehumanization and Emotions?. Psychologica Belgica, 61, 116-130. 
      • Demoulin, S. (2021). Psychologie de la médiation et de la gestion des conflits. Bruxelles: Mardaga.
      • Demoulin, S., Nguyen, N., Chevallereau, T., Fontesse, S., Bastart, J., Stinglhamber, F., & Maurage, P. (2021). Examining the role of fundamental psychological needs in the development of metadehumanization: A multi‐population approach. British journal of social psychology, 60, 196-221.
      • De Wilde, M., Carrier, A., Casini, A., & Demoulin, S. (2020). The Drawback of Sexual Empowerment: Perceiving Women as Emancipated but Still as Sexual Objects. Sex Roles, 84(9), 626-643. 
      • Estrada, C., Espinoza, D., Vásquez, R., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). Association between secessionist tendencies and perceived intragroup conflict: implications of adherence to regionalist and essentialist beliefs. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 1-10.  
      • Fontesse, S., Demoulin, S., Stinglhamber, F., de Timary, P., & Maurage, P. (2021). Metadehumanization and self-dehumanization are linked to reduced drinking refusal self-efficacy and increased anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with severe alcohol use disorder. Psychologica Belgica, 61(1), 238-247. 
      • Fontesse, S., Stinglhamber, F., Demoulin, S., De Timary, P., & Maurage, P. (in press). Self‐dehumanisation in severe alcohol use disorder: Links with self‐stigma and environmental satisfaction. International Journal of Psychology. 56(6), 878-884.  
      • Koch, A., Yzerbyt, V., Abele, A., Ellemers, N., Fiske, S. (2021). Social evaluation: Comparing models across interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, several-group, and many-group contexts, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 1-68.   
      • Manea, C. N., Demoulin, S., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). "Whatever you do, just don't let him notice you're a woman!" General beliefs on women's gender ideology as a function of topic in mixed‐gender negotiations. International Journal of Psychology. 56(3), 338-348  
      • Masciantonio, A., Bourguignon, D., Bouchat, P., Balty, M., & Rimé, B. (2021). Don't put all social network sites in one basket: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and their relations with well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS one, 16, 1-14, 
      • Metzler, H., Rimé, B., Pellert, M., Niederkrotenthaler, T., Di Natale, A., & Garcia, D. (2021). Collective Emotions during the COVID-19 Outbreak. 
      • Rougier, M., Schmitz, M., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). When my actions shape your looks: Experience-based properties of approach/avoidance bias the visual representation of others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(5), 1146-1174.
      • Schmitz, M., Rougier, M., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). Introducing the Brief Reverse Correlation. 
      • Stinglhamber, F., Caesens, G., Chalmagne, B., Demoulin, S., & Maurage, P. (2021). Leader-member exchange and organizational dehumanization: The role of supervisor's organizational embodiment. European Management Journal. 39(6), 745-754.  
      • Wlodarczyk, A., Zumeta, L., Basabe, N., Rimé, B., & Páez, D. (2021). Religious and secular collective gatherings, perceived emotional synchrony and self-transcendent emotions: two longitudinal studies. Current Psychology, 1-18 .   
      • Yzerbyt, V., Roskam, I., & Casini, A. (2021). Les psychologies du genre. Mardaga.

      2020 :

      • Beylat, M., Woltin, K. A., Sassenberg, K., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Preference for directive versus participative leadership: The role of regulatory mode and context quality definition. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. 4(3). 290-314.
      • Bouchat, P., Luminet, O., Rosoux, V., Aerts, K., Cordonnier, A., Résibois, M., & Rimé, B. (2020). A social psychological perspective on WWII collaboration in the 21st century: A Belgian case. European Journal of Social Psychology.
      • Bouchat, P., Rimé, B., Van Eycken, R., & Nils, F. (2020). The Virtues of Collective Gatherings. A Study on the Positive Effects of a Major Scouting Event. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
      • Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., Andrighetto, L., Autin, F., Babincak ... Yzerbyt, V., & Zimmerman, J. L. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries European Journal of Social Psychology, 921-942. 
      • De Wilde, M., Casini, A., Wollast, R., & Demoulin, S. (2019). Sex is power belief and women's mental health: the mediating roles of self-objectification and sexual subjectivity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(5), 1017-1031.  
      • De Wilde, M., Casini, A., Bernard, P., Wollast, R., Klein, O., & Demoulin, S. (2020). Two preregistered direct replications of « objects don't object: Evidence that self-objectification disrupts women's social activism ». Psychological Science, 31(2), 214-223.
      • Ellemers, N., Fiske, S. T., Abele, A. E., Koch, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Adversarial alignment enables competing models to engage in cooperative theory-building, toward cumulative science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-7.
      • Fontesse, S., Stinglhamber, F., Demoulin, S., Chevallereau, T., de Timary, P., Cappeliez, B., ... & Maurage, P. (2020). Metadehumanization in severe alcohol-use disorders: Links with fundamental needs and clinical outcomes. Addictive Behaviors.
      • Kashima, Y., Coman, A., Pauketat, J. V. T., & Yzerbyt, V. Y. (2020). Emotion in cultural dynamics. Emotion Review, 12, 48-64.
      • Koch, A., Imhoff, R., Unkelbach, C., Nicolas, G., Fiske, S., Terache, J., Carrier, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Groups' warmth is a personal matter: Understanding consensus on stereotype dimensions reconciles adversarial models of social evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90, 103995.
      • Manea, C. N., Yzerbyt, V., & Demoulin, S. (2020). He, She, "They" at the bargaining table... Woman, man or just negotiators? A critical review on gender ideologies in mixed-gender negotiations. Psychologica Belgica, 60, 236-254.

      • Mathias, A., Páez, D., Espinosa, A., Sandoval, S., Alzugaray, C., Arnoso, M., ... Rimé, B., & Zubieta, E. (2020). The association between Truth Commissions evaluation, emotional climate and institutional trust: comparison and meta-analysis of surveys in six South American countries. International Journal of Social Psychology.

      • Rimé B. (2020) Collective Responses to Collective Traumas: Synchronization and Collective Resilience. In: Jodelet D., Vala J., Drozda-Senkowska E. (eds) Societies Under Threat. Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research.

      • Rimé, B. (2020). Emotions at the service of cultural construction. Emotion Review, on-line advance publication.
      • Rimé, B. (2020). Synchronization and collective resilience.. An analysis of collective responses to collective traumas. In D. Jodelet, D., J. Vala, J. & E. Drozda-Senkowska (Eds.), Societies under threat. Springer Nature. 
      • Rimé, B., Bouchat, P., Paquot, L., & Igiglio, L. (2020). Intrapersonal, interpersonal and social outcomes of the social sharing of emotion.Current Opinion in Psychology, 31, 127-143.
      • Selimbegović, L., Dupuy, O., Terache, J., Blandin, Y., Bosquet, L., & Chatard, A. (2020). Evaluative Threat Increases Effort Expenditure in a Cycling Exercise: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 42, 336-343.
      • Schmitz, M., Rougier, M., & Yzerbyt, V., Brinkman, L., & Dotsch, R. (2020). Erratum to: Comment on "Quantifying the informational value of classification images": Miscomputation of infoVal metric was a minor issue and is now corrected. Behavior Research Methods, 1-2.
      • Teixeira, C. P., Spears, R., Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Is Martin Luther King or Malcom X the more acceptable face of protest? High status groups' reactions to low status groups' collective action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118, 919-944.
      • Terache, J., Demoulin, S., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Warmth and competence in interpersonal comparisons: The Quiz Master Paradigm through the lens of compensation. International Review of Social Psychology, 33, 4.
      • Wlodarczyk, A., Zumeta, L., Pizarro, J. J., Bouchat, P., Hatibovic, F., Basabe, N., & Rimé, B. (2020). Perceived Emotional Synchrony in Collective Gatherings: Validation of a Short Scale and Proposition of an Integrative Measure. Frontiers in Psychology.

      • Woltin, K. A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). From regulation to projection: Reliance on regulatory mode in predictions about others. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1379-1393.
      • Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Foreword. In J. Jetten, S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, & T. Cruwys (Eds.). (2020). Together apart: The psychology of Covid-19. SAGE Publications Limited.

    2019 :

    • Aubé, B., Rougier, M., Muller, D., Ric, F., & Yzerbyt, V. (2019). The Online-VAAST: A short and online tool to measure spontaneous approach and avoidance tendencies. Acta Psychologica. 
    • Carrier, A., Dompnier, B., & Yzerbyt, V. (2019). Of nice and mean: The personal relevance of others' competence drives perceptions of warmth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45, 1549-1562. 
    • Fousiani, K., Yzerbyt, V. Y., Kteily, N. S., & Demoulin, S. (2019). Justice reactions to deviant ingroup members: ingroup identity threat motivates utilitarian punishments. British Journal of Social Psychology58, 869-893. 
    • Garcia, D. & Rimé, B. Collective emotions and social resilience in the digital traces after a terrorist attack.Psychological Science, 30(4), 617-628. 

    • Judd, C. M., Garcia-Marques, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2019). The Complexity of Relations between Dimensions of Social Perception: Decomposing Bivariate Associations with Crossed Random Factors. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 82, 200-207 
    • Mierop, A., Bret., A., Dumas, R., Yzerbyt, V., & Corneille, O. (2019). Evaluative influences of CS-US pairings are non-reciprocal. Social Psychology Bulletin, 14, 1-16. 
    • Pancorbo, G. P., Schmitz, M., Nightingale, I., Palacios, A. M., & Espinosa, A. (2019). Stereotypes and valuations of Peruvian social groups in a sample of wealthy people from Lima. Liberabit, 25(2), 159-178.
    • Rimé, B. (2019). Conclusions. Traces of wartime emotions in our collective memory. In G. Warland (Ed.). Experience and memory of the first world war in Belgium (pp. 219-224). Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag.

    • Rimé, B., & Páez, D. (2019). Émotions collectives et représentations sociales. In N. Kalampalikis, D. Jodelet, M. Wieviorka, D. Moscovici, & P. Moscovici (Eds.), Serge Moscovici. Un regard sur les mondes communs (pp. 53-62). Paris:Editions de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
    • Rimé, B. & Páez, D. (2019). Evénements émotionnels collectifs et représentations sociales. In F. Emiliani & A. Palmonari (Dir.). Repenser la théorie des représentations sociales (pp. 125-144). Paris: Éditions des Archives contemporaines. 
    • Rimé, B. (2019). La synchronisation émotionnelle. In B. Cyrulnik (dir). Faut-il imiter pour exister? (pp. 175-182) Savigny-sur-Orge : Éditions Philippe Duval.
    • Rimé, B. (2019) Préface. In I. Roskam. Les émotions de l'enfant (pp. 14-15). Savigny-sur-Orge : Éditions Philippe Duval.
    • Rimé, B. (2019). Préface. In F. Matthijssen, Les jeunes, le cerveau et les expériences paranormales (pp. 7-8). Louvain-la-Neuve: Presse Universitaires de Louvain.
    • Schmitz, M., Rougier, M., & Yzerbyt, V. (2019). Comment on "Quantifying the informational value of classification images": A miscomputation of the InfoVal metric. Behavior, Research & Methods. 52, 1383-1386. 
    • Vignoli, E., Nils, F., Parmentier, M., Mallet, P., & Rimé, B. (2019). The emotions aroused by a vocational transition in adolescents: Why, when, and how are they socially shared with significant others? International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 
    • Yzerbyt, V., & Demoulin, S. (2019). Les relations intergroupes. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
    • Yzerbyt, V., & Klein, O. (2019). Psychologie sociale. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck.


  • Bouchat, P. & Rimé, B. (2018). National identity and collective memory: A social psychological perspective. In D. Ingenhoff, C. White, A. Buhmann, & S. Kiousis (Eds.), Bridging disciplinary perspectives of country image reputation, brand, and identity (pp. 85-100). New York: Routledge.
  • Cambon, L., & Yzerbyt, V. (2018). Two routes toward compensation: An investigation into the mechanisms of compensation for high- and low-status groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 77, 24-35. 
  • Judd, C. M., McClelland, G. H., Ryan, C. R., Muller, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2018). L'analyse des données : une approche par comparaison de modèles. De Boeck, Bruxelles.
  • Lindholm, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2018). When being nice or being smart could bring you down: Compensatory dynamics in strategic self-presentation. International Review of Social Psychology, 31, 16. 
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2018). The dimensional compensation model: Reality and strategic constraints on warmth and competence in intergroup perceptions. In A. Abele & B. Wojciszke (Eds.), Agency and Communion in Social Psychology (pp. 126-141). London, UK: Routledge. 
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Aubé, B. (2018). Les émotions dans les relations intergroupes. In K. Faniko, D. Bourguignon, O. Sarrasin & S. Guimond (Eds). La psychologie des préjugés et de la discrimination: Point de vue des discriminants et de leurs cibles.Bruxelles: De Boeck. 
  • Yzerbyt, V., Muller, D., Batailler, C., & Judd, C. M. (2018). New recommendations for testing indirect effects in mediational models: The need to report and test component paths. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115, 929-943. 
  • Rimé, B. (2018). Comment: Social Integration and Health: Contributions of the Social Sharing of Emotion at the Individual, the Interpersonal, and the Collective Level. Emotion Review10(1), 67-70 
  • Rimé, B. (2018). Social integration and health: Contributions of the social sharing of emotion at the individual, the interpersonal, and the collective level. Emotion Review, 10(1), 67-70.

  • Rimé, B. (2018). Foreword. In A. K. Randall & D. Schoebi (Eds.), Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships(pp. xii-xvi). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wlodarczyk, A., Basabe, N., Rimé, B., Zumeta, L.N., Bobowik, M., & CovaSolar, F. (2018). Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Sincronía EmocionalPercibida - en participantes en actividades y rituales colectivos.Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología Positiva, Vol. 3

2017 :

  • Caesens, G., Stinglhamber, F., Demoulin, S., & De Wilde, M. (2017). Perceived organizational support and employees' well-being: the mediating role of organizational dehumanization. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4). 527-540. 
  • Cárdenas, M., Páez, D. , Arnoso, M., & Rimé, B. (2017). Predictors of support toward transitional justice process in chilean general population sample. Universitas Psychologica, 16 , 1-11. 
  • Bobowik, M., Páez, D., Arnoso, M., Cárdenas, M., Rimé, B. Zubieta, E., & Muratori, M. (2017). Institutional Apologies and Socio-emotional Climate in the South American Context. The British Journal of Social Psychology , 56, 578-598.  
  • Estrada, C., & Yzerbyt, V. (2017). Efecto de las creencias essencialistas en las estrategias de consenso intra-grupal [The effect of essentialist beliefs on intra-group consensus strategies]. Psykhe, 26, 1-15.
  • Pacheco, M., Espinosa, A., & Schmitz, M. (2017). Influence of musical genres with Andean contents on the components of Peruvian national identity. International Journal of Social Psychology , 32(3), 539-565. 
  • Rimé, B. (2017). The Social Sharing of Emotion in Interpersonal and in Collective Situations. In J. A. Holyst (Ed.). Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace (p. 53-69). London, UK: Springer Verlag. 
  • Rimé, B. (2017). Le partage social des émotions. In X. Seron & M. Fayol (Eds.), Encyclopædia Universalis (en ligne). Boulogne-Billancourt : Encyclopædia Universalis SA, https://www.
  • Rimé, B. (2017). Emotions animales et émotions humaines. In B. Cyrulnik (dir.), L'incroyable pouvoir des animaux. Savigny-sur-Orge : Philippe Duval, coll. "Sciences Psy".

  • Rimé, B., Yzerbyt, V., & Mahjoub, A. (2017). Perception of emotional climate in a revolution. Test of a multistage theory of revolution in the Tunisian context. The British Journal of Social Psychology, 56, 633-654. 

  • Toma, C. Yzerbyt, V., Corneille, O. & Demoulin, S. (2017). The power of projection for powerless and powerful people: Effect of power on projection is moderated by dimension of judgment. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(8), 888-896.. 
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Cambon, L. (2017). The dynamics of compensation: When ingroup favoritism paves the way for outgroup praise. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(5), 587-600. 

2016 :

  • Balon, S. & Rimé, B. (2016). Lexical Profile of Emotional Disclosure in Socially Shared vs. Written Narratives. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 35, 345-373.
  • Caceres, M., Astudillo, P, Estrada, C., & Yzerbyt, V. (2016). Teorias implicitas sobre las causas del delito en internos condenadosde alto y bajo compromisos criminal [Implicit theories about the causes of crime in delinquents with high and low criminal profile]. Revista Interamericana de Psicologia, 50, 371-379.
  • Cantisano, N., Rimé, B., Afzali, M. H., & Muñoz-Sastre, M. T. (2016). Health outcomes resulting from the quality of emotional expression in HIV/AIDS patients. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 66(3), 95-100.

  • Cambon, L., & Yzerbyt, V. (2016). Compensation is for real: Evidence from existing groups in the context of actual relations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20(6), 745 - 756.
  • Demoulin, S., & Teixeira, C.P., (2016). "I Do the Dishes; You Mow the Lawn": Gender Effects in Stereotypically Feminine Negotiation Tasks. International Review of Social Psychology. 29(1), 105-112. 
  • Demoulin, S., Teixeira, C. P., Gillis, C., Goldoni, E., & Stinglhamber, F. (2016). Choosing a group representative: The impact of perceived organizational support on the preference for deviant representatives in work negotiations. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9(2), 120-140.
  • Espinosa, A., Schmitz, M., & Rottenbacher, J.M. (2016). Ideological bases of national identity and their influence on subjective, psychological and social well-being in Peru. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Filosofía y Psicología, 11(35), 18-32.
  • Kervyn, N., Bergsieker, H. B., Grignard, F., & Yzerbyt, V. (2016). An advantage of appearing mean or lazy: Amplified impressions of competence and warmth after mixed descriptions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 62, 17-23.
  • Klein, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2016). La fraude scientifique: Un symptôme du dysfonctionnement de la science. Pour la Science, 470, 36-42.
  • Ramirez, E., Estrada Goic, C., & Yzerbyt, V. (2016). Estudio correlacional de prejuicio y discriminación implícita y explícita en una muestra magallánica. Atenea, 513, 251-262. 
  • Rimé, B. (2016). Les émotions : conceptions médiévales et conceptions contemporaines. Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 114, 69-74.

  • Rimé B. (2016). Self-Disclosure. In: H. S. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2nd edition (Vol. 4, pp. 66-74). Waltham, MA: Academic Press. 

  • Vazques, A., Yzerbyt, V., Dovidio, J., & Gomez, A. (2016). How we think they see us? Valence and difficulty of retrieval as moderators of the effect of meta-stereotype activation on intergroup orientations. International Journal of Psychology.
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2016). Intergroup stereotyping. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, 90-95.
  • Yzerbyt, V., Kuppens, T., & Mathieu, B. (2016). When talking makes you feel like a group: The emergence of group-based emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 30, 33-50.

2015 :

  • Bourguignon, D., Yzerbyt, V., Teixeira, C., & Herman, G. (2015). When does it hurt? Intergroup permeability moderates the link between discrimination and self-esteem. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 3-9.
  • Cambon, L., Yzerbyt, V., & Yakimova, S. (2015). Compensation in intergroup relations: An investigation on its structural and strategic foundations. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 140-158.
  • Cantisano, N., Rimé, B., & Munoz-Sastre, T. (2015). The importance of quality over in quantity in the Social Sharing of Emotions (SSE) in people living with HIV/AIDS. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 20, 103-113.
  • Cárdenas, M., Páez, D., Rimé, B., Arnoso, M. (2015). How transitional justice processes and official apologies influence reconciliation: the case of the Chilean "Truth and Reconciliation" and "Political Imprisonment and Torture" commissions. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 26, 515-530.
  • Curci, A., Soleti, E., Lanciano, T., Doria, V., & Rimé, B. (2015). Balancing emotional processing with ongoing cognitive activity: The effects of task modality on intrusions and rumination. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1275.
  • Desmette, D., Iweins, C. & Yzerbyt, V. (2015). L'âgisme et gestion des âges: Quelles implications pour les travailleurs âgés en Belgique ? In M. Lagacé (Ed.), Représentations et discours sur le vieillissement: la face cachée de l'âgisme". Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
  • Espinosa, A., Schmitz, M., & Cueto, R.M. (2015). Impacto psicosocial de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Lima-Perú [Psychosocial impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in a sample of university students of Lima-Peru]. Psicología política, 15(32), 157-184.
  • Hernandez, J. V, Mansilla, E.W., Gárate, T.O., Yzerbyt, V., & Estrada Goic, C (2015). Variables asociadas a la identidad social satisfactoria y sus efectos diferenciales en el esencialismo endo y exogrupal [Variables Related to Satisfactory Social Identity and their Differential Effects on Essentialism of Ingroups and Outgroups]. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 33(2), 175-188.
  • Kervyn, N., Fiske, S. T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2015). Forecasting the primary dimension of social perception: Symbolic and realistic threats together predict warmth in the stereotype content model. Social Psychology, 46, 36-45.
  • Páez, D., Rimé, B., Basabe, N., Wlodarczyk, A. & Zumeta, L. (2015). Psychosocial effects of perceived emotional synchrony in collective gatherings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 711-729.
  • Rimé, B., Bouchat, P, Klein, O., & Licata, L. (2015). When collective memories of victimhood fade: Generational evolution of intergroup attitudes and political aspirations in Belgium. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(4), 515-532.
  • Schmitz, M., & Espinosa, A. (2015). Impacto de la información disonante y consistente sobre la campaña Marca Perú en la Identidad Nacional y el Bienestar Social [Impact of dissonant and consistent information about the Peru Brand campaing on national identity and social well-being]. Universitas Psychologica, 14(1), 329-338. 
  • Schmitz, M., & Espinosa, A. (2015). Ideología, emocionalidad y crisis de gobernabilidad en Lima Metropolitana: Un estudio correlacional sobre el proceso de revocatoria del 2013 [Ideology, emotionality and governability crisis in Lima: A correlational study about the recall election of 2013]. Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política, 13(34), 46-63.
  • Teixeira, C., Demoulin, S., & Yzerbyt, V. (2015). When votes depend on who's listening: voters' intragroup status and voting procedure predict representative endorsement in intergroup contexts. British Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Woltin, K. A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2015). Regulatory focus in prediction about others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 379-392.
  • Yzerbyt, V., Delroisse, S., & Herman, G. (2015). Surtout ne changez rien! La justification au cœur de la discrimination. In J. Ringelheim, G. Herman & A. Rea (Eds). Politiques antidiscriminatoires: Interroger les effets d'une action publique transnationale (pp. 123-135). Bruxelles: De Boeck.

2014 :

  • Brans, K., Van Mechelen, I., Rimé, B., & Verduyn, P. (2014). To share, or not to share? Examining the emotional consequences of social sharing in the case of anger and sadness. Emotion, 14, 1062-1071. 

  • Cantisano, N., Rimé, B., & Munoz-Sastre, T. (2014). The Social Sharing of Emotions (SSE) in the Dominican Republic's Cultural Context: Autobiographical Descriptive Data. Universitas Psychologica, 13, 457-466.

  • Cárdenas, M., Páez, D., Rimé, B., Arnoso, M., Asun, D., & de los Angeles Bilbao, M. (2014). Personal emotions, emotional climate, social sharing, beliefs and values among people affected and unaffected by past political violence. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 452-464.

  • Carrier, A., Louvet. E., & Rohmer, O. (2014). Compétence et agentisme dans le jugement social. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 27, 95-125.

  • Dedonder, J., Corneille, O., Bertinchamps, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). Overcoming correlational pitfalls: Experimental evidence suggests that evaluative conditioning occurs for explicit but not implicit encoding of CS-US pairings. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 250-257.
  • Duprez, C., Christophe, V., Rimé, B., Congard, A, & Antoine, P. (2014). Motives for the Social Sharing of an Emotional Experience. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1-31.
  • Geeraert, N., Demoulin, S., & Demes, K. (2014). Choose your (international) friends wisely: A multilevel analysis on the impact of intergroup contact while living abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 38, 86-96.
  • Jorge, N. C., Muñoz-Sastre, M. T., & Rimé, B. (2014). The social sharing of emotions (SSE) in the Dominican Republic's cultural context: Autobiographical descriptive data. Universitas Psychologica, 13(2), 457-466.
  • Judd, C. M., Yzerbyt, V., & Muller, D. (2014). Mediation and moderation. In H. T. Reis & C. M. Judd (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology (2nd edition, pp. 653-676). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kanyangara, P., Rimé, B., Paez, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). Trust, individual guilt, collective guilt and dispositions toward reconciliation among Rwandan survivors and prisoners before and after their participation in postgenocide Gacaca courts in Rwanda. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2(1), 401-416.
  • Kuppens, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). Predicting variability: Using multilevel modelling to assess differences in variance. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 691-700.
  • Kuppens, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). When are emotions related to group-based appraisals? A comparison between group-based emotions and general group emotions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1574-1588.
  • Machunsky, M., Toma, C., Yzerbyt, V., & Corneille, O. (2014). Social projection increases for positive targets: Ascertaining the effect and exploring its antecedents. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1373-1388.
  • Mahieu, T., Corneille, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). What's up with your face? The influence of a verticality metaphor in the processing of happy and sad faces. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 27, 51-77.
  • Rodriguez-Perez, A., Betancor-Rodriguez, V., Ariño-Mateo, E., Demoulin, S., & Leyens, J-Ph. (2014). Datos normativos de 148 terminos afectivos en dimensiones relacionadas con la atribucion de humanidad. Anales de Psicologia, 30, 1137-1145.
  • Sweldens, S., Corneille, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). The role of awareness in attitude formation through evaluative conditioning. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 48, 187-209.
  • Woltin, K-A., Corneille, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2014). Retrieving autobiographical memories influences judgments about others: The role of metacognitive experiences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 526-539.
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Demoulin, S. (2014). Inherence heuristic versus essentialism: Issues of antecedence and cognitive mechanism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 505-506.
  • Zagefka, H., Binder, J., Brown, R., Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., Funke, F., Demoulin, S., Leyens, J-Ph., & Maquil, A. (2014). The relationship between acculturation preferences and prejudice: Longitudinal evidence from majority and minority groups in three European countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 578-589.

2013 :

  • Balon, S., Lecoq, J., & Rimé, B. (2013). Passion and Personality: Is Passionate Behaviour a Function of Personality?. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 63(1), 59-65.
  • Brans, K., van Mechelen, I., Rimé, B., Verduyn, P. (2013). The relation between social sharing and the duration of emotional experience. Cognition and Emotion, 27(6), 1023-1041.
  • Cantisano, N., Rimé, B., Muñoz-Sastre, M. T. (2013). The social sharing of emotions in HIV/AIDS: A comparative study of HIV/AIDS, diabetic and cancer patients. Journal of Health Psychology : an interdisciplinary, international journal, 18(10), 1255-1267.
  • Cárdenas, M., Páez, D., Arnoso, M., Rimé, B. (2013). Percepción del Clima Socioemocional y la Confianza Institucional en Víctimas de Violencia Política: Valoración del Impacto de la Comisión Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliación. Psikhe, 22(2), 111-127.
  • Curci, A., Lanciano, T., Soleti, E., Rimé, B. (2013). Negative emotional experiences arouse rumination and affect working memory capacity. Emotion, 13(5), 867-880.
  • Demoulin, S., & Teixeira, C. T. (2013). Mehr als reine Ideologie: Der Einfluss von Stereotypen in politischen Verhandlungen. In Mind Deutschland.
  • Geeraert, N., & Demoulin, S. (2013). Acculturative stress or resilience? A longitudinal multilevel analysis of sojourners' stress and self-esteem. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 44, 1241-1262.
  • Hermans, D., Rimé, B., & Mesquita, B. (Eds.) (2013). Changing Emotions. London: Psychology Press.

  • Iweins, C., Desmette, D., Yzerbyt, V., Stinglhamber, F. (2013). Ageism at work: The impact of intergenerational contact and organizational multi-age perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 331-346.
  • Kervyn, N., Fiske, S. T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2013). Integrating the stereotype content model (warmth and competence) and the Osgoods semantic differential (evaluation, potency, and activity). European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 673-681.
  • Kuppens, T., Yzerbyt, V., Dandache, S., Fischer, A., van der Schalk, J. (2013). Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 1359-1377.
  • Páez, D., Javaloy, F., Wlodarczyk, A., Espelt, E., & Rimé, B. (2013). El movimiento 15-M: Sus acciones como rituales, compartir social, creencias, valores y emociones. Revista de Psicologia Social, 28(1), 19-33.
  • Rottenbacher, J.M., & Schmitz, M. (2013). Condicionantes ideológicos de la criminalización de la protesta social y el apoyo a la democracia en una muestra limeña [Ideological determinants of the criminalization of social protest and support for democracy in a sample from Lima]. Revista de Psicología, 31(2), 371-394.
  • Stinglhamber, F., Gillis, C., Teixeira, C.T., & Demoulin, S. (2013). To be or not to be unionized? A question of organizational support and identification. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 12, 92-96.
  • Teixeira, C., Demoulin, S., & Yzerbyt, V. (2013). Playing with deviance: Typicality assessments of ingroup members as a strategy of outgroup approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 32-39.
  • Vanhaelen, M., Yzerbyt, V., & Philippot, P. (2013). Les biais attentionnel et de jugement de l'information émotionnelle dans l'anxiété sociale : Revue de littérature et implication cliniques [Attentional biases of emotional information in social anxiety: A literature review and their clinical implications]. Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, 18, 21-36.
  • Vanhaelen, M., Yzerbyt, V., & Philippot, P. (2013). Les biais de jugement de l'information émotionnelle dans l'anxiété sociale: Revue de littérature et implication cliniques [Judgmental biases of emotional information in social anxiety: A literature reviewand their clinical implications]. Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, 18, 37-48.
  • Whitley, B., & Kite, M. (2013). Psychologie des préjugés et de la discrimination. Bruxelles, De Boeck. (Scientific revision by Vincent Yzerbyt & Stéphanie Demoulin).
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2013). Préface. In M. Augustinova & D. Oberlé, Psychologie sociale du groupe au travail. Bruxelles: De Boeck.
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Kuppens, T. (2013). From group-based appraisals to group-based emotions: The role of communication and social sharing. In D. Hermans, B. Rimé, & B. Mesquita (Eds.), Changing emotions. New York: Psychology Press.

2012 :

  • Brambilla, M., Sacchi, S., Rusconi, P., Cherubini, P., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). You Want to Give a Good Impression? Be Honest! Moral Traits Dominate Group Impression Formation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 149-166.
  • Cantisano, N., Rimé, B., & Munoz-Sastre, T. (2012). The Social Sharing of Emotions in HIV/AIDS: A comparative study of HIV/AIDS, Diabetes and Cancer Patients. Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 1255-1267.
  • Curci, A., & Rimé, B. (2012). The temporal evolution of social sharing of emotions and its consequences on emotional recovery: A longitudinal study. Emotion, 12(6), 1404-1414.
  • Delroisse, S., Herman, G., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). La justification au cœur de la discrimination: Vers une articulation des processus motivationnels et cognitifs [Justification at the heart of discrimination: Toward an integration of motivational and cognitive processes]. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale [International Review of Social Psychology], 25(2), 73-96.
  • Douilliez, C. Yzerbyt, V., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., & Philippot, P. (2012). Social anxiety biases the evaluation of facial displays: Evidence from single face and multi-facial stimuli. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 1107-1115.
  • Espinosa, A., Schmitz, M., & Cueto, R.M. (2012). De una Psicología Social de Fenómenos Políticos al desarrollo de la Psicología Política en el Perú [From a social psychology of political issues to the development of political psychology in Peru]. Revista de Psicología Política, 12(25), 465-479
  • Iweins, C., Desmette, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Ageism at work: What happens to older workers who benefit from preferential treatment? Psychologica Belgica, 52, 327-342.
  • Iweins, C., Desmette, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Agisme au travail : analyse du rôle du contexte d'embauche. In S. Pohl, P. Desrumaux, & A.-M. Vonthron (Eds.), Jugement socio-professionnel, innovation et efficacité au travail (pp. 77-86). Paris : L'Harmattan, Collection psychologie du travail et ressources humaines.
  • Kuppens, T., Pollet, T. V., Teixeira, C. P., Demoulin, S., Roberts, S. C., & Little, A. C. (2012). Emotions in context: Anger causes ethnic but not gender bias in men but not women, European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 432-441.
  • Kuppens, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Group-based emotions: The impact of social identity on appraisals, emotions, and behaviors. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 34, 20-33.
  • Lane, A., Luminet, O., Rimé, B., Gross, J. J., de Timary, P., & Mikolajczak, M. (2012). Oxytocin Increases the Willingness to Socially Share One's Emotions. International Journal of Psychology, 48(4), 676-81.
  • Nils, F., & Rimé, B. (2012). Beyond the myth of venting: Social sharing modes determine the benefits of emotional disclosure. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(6), 672-681.
  • Rimé, B., Kanyangara, P. Paez, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Social rituals and collective expression of emotion after a collective trauma: Participation in Gacaca and assimilation of the Rwandan Genocide. In K. J. Jonas & T. Morton (Eds.), Restoring civil societies: The psychology of intervention and engagement following crisis (pp. 177-191). Malden, MA: Wiley & Sons.
  • Rottenbacher, J.M., & Schmitz, M. (2012). Democracia vs. Neoliberalismo Económico. Condicionantes ideológicos de las Preferencias Políticas y Económicas en la Ciudad de Lima [Democracy vs. economic neoliberalism. Ideological conditionings of the political and economic preferences in Lima]. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 214, 111-140.
  • Rottenbacher, J.M., & Schmitz, M. (2012). Conservadurismo político y tolerancia hacia comportamientos transgresores. Un estudio exploratorio en estudiantes y egresados universitarios de la ciudad de Lima [Political conservatism and tolerance towards transgressive behaviors]. Psicología política, 44, 31-56.
  • Toma, C., Yzerbyt, V., & Corneille, O. (2012). Nice or Smart? Task Relevance of Self-Characteristics Moderates Interpersonal Projection. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 335-340.
  • Toma, C., Corneille, O., Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Holding a mirror up to the self: Egocentric similarity beliefs underlie social projection in cooperation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(10), 1259-1271.
  • Woltin, K-A, Corneille, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Improving communicative understanding: The benefits of global processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 1179-82.
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2012). Editorial. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 3-4.

2011 :

  • Bry, C., Treinen, E., Corneille, O., & Yzerbyt, V. (2011). Eye'm lovin'it! The role of awareness in mimetic desires. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 987-993.
  • Geeraert, N., Van Boven, L., & Yzerbyt, V. (2011). Similarity on the rebound: Inhibition of similarity assessment leads to an ironic post-suppressional rebound. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 1788-1796
  • Kervyn, N., Yzerbyt, V., Judd, C. M. (2011). When compensation guides inferences: Indirect and implicit measures of the compensation effect. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 144-150.
  • Rimé, B., Paez, D., Kanyangara, P., & Yzerbyt, V. (2011). The social sharing of emotions in interpersonal and in collective situations: Common psychosocial consequences. In I. Nyklicek, A. J. J. M. Vingerhoets, & M Zeelenberg (Eds.), Emotion regulation and well-being: Conceptual and Clinical Issues (pp. 147-164). New York: Springer.
  • Rimé, B., Kanyangara, P., & Yzerbyt, V., & Paez, D. (2011). The impact of Gacaca tribunals in Rwanda: Psychosocial effects of participation in a truth and reconciliation process after a genocide. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 695-706.
  • Saroglou, V., Yzerbyt, V., & Kaschten, C. (2011). Meta-stereotypes of groups with opposite religious views: Believers and non-believers. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21, 484-498.
  • Teixeira, C., Demoulin, S., & Yzerbyt, V. (2011). Choosing the best means to an end: The influence of ingroup goals on the selection of representatives in intergroup negotiations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 228-234.
  • Woltin, K-A., Corneille, O., Yzerbyt, V., & Förster, J. (2011). Narrowing down to open up for other people concerns: Empathic concern can be enhanced by inducing detailed processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 418-424 .
  • Woltin, K-A., Yzerbyt, V., & Corneille, O. (2011) On reducing an empathy gap: The impact of self-construal and order of judgment. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 553-562.
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Demoulin, S. (2011). Meta-cognition in stereotypes and prejudice. In P. Briñol, & K. DeMarree (Eds.), Social meta-cognition (pp. 243-262). New York: Psychology Press.
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2011). Editorial. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 3-4.

2010 :

  • Bianchi, M., Mummendey, A., Steffens, M., & Yzerbyt, V. (2010). What do you mean by 'European'?: Evidence of spontaneous ingroup projection. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 960-974.
  • Dedonder, J., Corneille, O., Yzerbyt, V., & Kuppens, T. (2010). Evaluative conditioning of high-novelty stimuli does not seem to be based on an automatic form of associative learning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 279-282.
  • Demoulin, S., & de Dreu, C. K.W. (2010). Introduction : Negotiations in intergroup conflict. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 675-683.
  • Demoulin, S., & Teixeira, C. P. (2010). Social categorization in interpersonal negotiations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 765-777.
  • Judd, C. M., McClelland, G. H., Ryan, C. R., Muller, D., & Yzerbyt, V. (2010). L'analyse des données : une approche par comparaison de modèles. De Boeck, Bruxelles.
  • Kervyn, N., Dolderer. M., Mahieu, T., & Yzerbyt, V. (2010). Atypicality and the two fundamental dimensions: Applying the negativity effect on warmth to group perception. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 384-389.
  • Kervyn, N., Yzerbyt, V., & Judd, C. M. (2010). Compensation between warmth and competence: Antecedents and consequences of a negative relation between the two fundamental dimensions of social perception. European Review of Social Psychology, 21, 155-187.
  • Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., Funke, F., Brown, R., Binder, J., Zagefka, H., Leyens, J.Ph., Demoulin, S., & Maquil, A. (2010). We all live in Germany but... ingroup projection, group-based emotions, and prejudice against immigrants. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 985-997.
  • Martin Beristain, C., Paez, D., Rimé, B., & Kanyangara, P. (2010). Efectos psicosociales de la participación en rituales de justicia transicional (Psychosocial effects of participation in rituals of transitional justice). Revista de Psicologia Social, 25, 9-35.

  • Rimé, B., Paez, D., Basabe, N., & Martinez, F. (2010). Social Sharing of Emotion, Posttraumatic Growth and Emotional Climate: Follow-up of Spanish citizen's response to the collective trauma of March 11th terrorist attacks in Madrid. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 1029-1045.

  • Toma, C., Yzerbyt, V., & Corneille, O. (2010). Anticipated cooperation vs. competition moderates interpersonal projection. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 375-381.
  • Vrielynck, N., Philippot, P. & Rimé, B. (2010). Level of processing modulates benefits of writing about stressful events: Comparing generic and specific recall. Cognition & Emotion, 24, 1117-1132.

  • Yzerbyt, V. (2010). Motivational processes. In J. F. Dovidio, M. Hewstone, P. Glick, & V. M. Esses (Eds.), Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination (pp. 146-162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Yzerbyt, V. (2010). Motivational processes. In J. F. Dovidio, M. Hewstone, P. Glick, & V. M. Esses (Eds.), Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination (pp. 146-162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Yzerbyt, V., & Demoulin, S. (2010). Intergroup relations. In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), The handbook of social psychology (5th Edition, Vol. 2, pp. 1024-1083). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Yzerbyt, V. & Skitka, L. J. (2010). Editorial. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1, 3.  
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